PAACA Insight Youth Services are dedicated to improving the quality of life or young people in the South Coast of MA by promoting healthy living and educational attainment. We work with youth to strengthen their coping skills, achievement, resources and education to overcome challenges that face them in life. We do this by meeting them where they are at and designing programs that make them want to do more.

Project Stream
This is an afterschool program that works to bridge the gap between 5th and 6th grade. September to June we focus our attention on 5th graders preparing to enter middle school and help them lessen their fears of what that will look like. We will also be incorporating STEAM on the second day so that students get a better understanding and appreciation for STEAM. This program runs Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-4:00pm. Complete application needed to attend.
Project Life
This is a program that takes basic life skills and puts it into an interactive program to help high school students understand their importance. For example, what to look for when you rent your first apartment, can you afford it and how do you budget the money you have. This program will run during February vacation week and in the summer. Check the website for more details.
South Coast Youth Court Attorneys
If you are in high school and have aspirations of being an attorney in the future, contact us for this real life hands-on attorney training that will prepare you to volunteer in our Youth Court courtroom prosecuting and defending real cases on Monday or Tuesday nights. Email tswanbell77@gmail.com if you are interested. We hold training in the fall and spring.
South Coast Youth Courts
This is a referral based diversion program for respondents between the age of 12-18 who have committed misdemeanor/school offenses and are being offered the opportunity to take responsibility for their offense and complete sanctions to reconnect them back to the community in which they offended. These referrals are sent to us from the police, schools and courts. If students complete this diversion program, they avoid what could be the first stain on their criminal record. South Coast Youth Courts has subsidiary programs such as: Brighter Futures, VAPE, Project Yes and Drive Smart.
Address: 360 Coggeshall Street, New Bedford, MA 02746
Phone: 508-979-1580
Fax: 508-991-6233
Website: www.southcoastyouthcourts.org or www.paaca.org
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday, 8:00am-4:00pm
Executive Director: Carl J. Alves
Email: calves@paaca.org
Youth Services Director: Terri Belliveau
Email: tswanbell77@gmail.com
All programs are free of charge.
Transportation may be available depending on the program