The New Bedford Whaling Museum ignites learning through explorations of art, history, science and culture rooted in the stories of people, the region and an international seaport.
The Museum offers K-12 education programs and resources with a focus on inspiring learners to reflect on the complex issues that shaped the past, remain critical today, and inform a sustainable future. Throughout various programs, students study science and conservation, learn about museums and collections, and gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the history of the Southcoast region. The High School Apprenticeship Program provides low-income, academically motivated New Bedford students with access and experiences that deepen community engagement, promote personal and professional development, and cultivate college and career success.

High School Apprenticeship Program
New Bedford students in the 9th grade can apply to this 3-year Apprenticeship program. Apprentices learn about art, history, science and culture, and connect their learning at the Museum to real-world experiences. Apprentices also visit college campuses and receive support through the college application and financial aid process. During their Apprenticeship, students attend a 6-week summer program and an after-school program during the school year. Apprentices receive a stipend throughout their time in the program.
School Field Trips
The Museum offers K-12 education programs that provide students with innovative and engaging experiences to learn about museums and collections, study science and conservation, and gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the history of the Southcoast region. Subsidies for admission and transportation may be available to New Bedford
students and schools.
Museum and Public Programs
The Museum hosts a wide variety of public programs throughout the year including events during AHA! Night and school vacation weeks. Previous and upcoming programs include special tours, homeschool days, presentations, and craft activities. Multiple discounted and free admission programs are available, including discounts on admission for New Bedford residents. Visit the Ways to Save page on the Museum’s website for more details.

Amanda McMullen, President and CEO
Victoria Hughes, Program Director
18 Johnny Cake Hill, New Bedford, MA 02740
Hours of Operation: 9:00am-5:00pm, Monday-Sunday
(check website for seasonal adjustments)