Meeting Street compassionately and innovatively empowers children and their families to thrive by fostering the development of the whole child.
Meeting Street is where children of all ages and abilities receive individualized attention from highly trained, dedicated educators, therapists, and staff who work as a team, sharing strategies and identifying solutions to bring out the best in each and every child.

Teen Outreach Program (TOP) - The TOP program is an empowerment program for teen girls in the Greater New Bedford area. The program uses curriculum focused on skill building and community service projects with a goal of Teen Pregnancy and STI prevention.
Early Intervention (birth-3) - Parents understand that the early years are the most important in a child’s development. At the same time, a parent might not know what to do if they suspect a developmental delay. Our team helps parents determine their child’s needs through an assessment, and if necessary, provides the support services needed. Examples of these services include: early childhood, development and education, nursing, physical, occupational or speech therapies, and social emotional help, to name a few. We offer most of these services in the child’s home making it convenient for parents and more effective for children.
Schwartz School - The Schwartz School, approved by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education as a special education school, operates a year-round program serving students ages 3 to 22 years old with multiple disabilities and complex medical needs. Combining a nurturing environment and highly trained educators, The Schwartz School offers families a school that helps students achieve their possibilities.
Pediatric Outpatient Rehabilitation - Children with various diagnosis, disabilities, and complex medical needs, including autism spectrum disorder, are served in the Pediatric Rehabilitation in Collaboration with the SouthCoast Hospital Rehabilitation Services. Children are evaluated and treated by licensed therapeutic staff in our state-of-the-art facilities.
Parents as Teachers - Parents as Teachers is a national, evidence-based family visiting program that provides free and voluntary support to families. This program helps build strong communities, thriving families and children who are healthy, safe and ready to learn. PAT serves expecting families and children through the first year of Kindergarten in the New Bedford area.
Teen Parenting Initiative - Teen Parenting Initiative is strength-based case management model that supports expectant and parenting young people (males and females) between the ages of 14-25. The goal is to increase life opportunities and enhance family stability among young families.
Regional Consultation Program
Consulting Services
543 North Street, New Bedford, MA
1 Posa Place, Dartmouth, MA
(508) 996-3391