To empower and support people to realize
their full potential

For children, adults, and families facing developmental delays, disabilities, or challenges, Kennedy-Donovan Center delivers life-changing outcomes. KDC brings a unique combination of pioneering data-driven approaches, a wide breadth of family- and community-based services, and a passion for human empowerment. We partner with families, caregivers, professionals, and the wider community to provide the highest-quality human services possible.

N. Paul TonThat, President & CEO
One Commercial Street, Foxboro, MA 02035
(508) 772-1200
Hours of Operation: 8:00am – 5:00pm Hours are flexible to support the needs of children and families.

Healthy Families
Phone: (774) 206-8810
Fax: (774) 206-8811
KDC’s Healthy Families is a home-based family support and parenting education program, sponsored by Children’s Trust. We provide free and voluntary services to support young first-time parents, from prenatal care until the child turns three. From in-home services to community connections, we help you plan for your child’s future and your own. Our Healthy Families program provides a continuum of care as parents and children grow together. Transportation support is available for families. Healthy Families services parents-to-be or first-time parent age 24 or under with a child under 12 months- free program – no income eligibility requirements. Healthy Families provide services in the following towns Acushnet, Dartmouth, Fairhaven, Freetown. Marion, Mattapoisett, New Bedford, Rochester, Wareham.
Early Intervention
Phone: (508) 997-1570
Fax: (508) 997-5370
Early Intervention (EI) services provide a comprehensive, family-centered, and community-based program. Our holistic approach to Early Intervention includes advocacy, information, and referrals to empower your family, in addition to helping each child meet developmental goals. We are partners in your family’s journey while your child is 0-3 years old. Our Early Intervention specialists guide your child’s progress with data-based supports. The towns serviced are Acushnet, Dartmouth, New Bedford, Fairhaven, Marion, Mattapoisett, Rochester, Wareham, Gosnold.
Foster Care and Family Services
Phone: (508) 997-5875
Fax: (508) 999-3068
Whenever possible, our goal is family preservation or reunification with the birth family. We empower all family members to build skills and create opportunities for success. KDC collaborates with other agencies, school departments, therapists and medical staff to ensure that every child, along with their birth and/or foster families, are served by a comprehensive treatment team. FCFS services towns across Massachusetts.