Where to find US:
Address: 1285 Acushnet Avenue,
New Bedford, MA 02740
Phone: 508-974-3535
Website: www.groundworksouthcoast.org
Hours of Operation: Varies
Executive Director:
Maura Ramsey
GWSC invests in developing environmental leadership of youth and residents that builds racial and social equity to steward urban waterways and brownfields in environmental justice communities in southeastern Massachusetts.
GWSC is part of the Groundwork USA network of independent, not-for-profit, environmental organizations called Groundwork Trusts.
To bring about the sustained regeneration, improvement and management of the physical environment by developing community-based partnerships that empower people, businesses and organizations to promote environmental, economic and social well-being.
Green Team Summer Program: A 6-7 week environmental and leadership paid employment program for ages 16-20 that has dual goals - to prepare youth for a lifetime of environmental and healthy community leadership and to invest in our community’s future and capacity to improve its physical environment. Interested applicants can apply at www.groundworksouthcoast.org/greenteam
Green Team School Year Program: A longer iteration of the Summer Green Team program that typically starts later Summer, breaks during Winter, and resumes in the early Spring. Youth in the program build upon skills gained during the Summer and engage in multiple stewardship, cleanup, and community engagement projects.
Green Explorers Program: An 8 session environmental education program for ages 12-15. Youth learn various skills including weeding, harvesting crops, as well as learning about the importance of pollinator gardens. To apply, please visit www.groundworksouthcoast.org/greenexplorers