The Children’s Advocacy Center of Bristol County, a program of JRI
The CAC mission is to empower children and families to heal from the trauma of abuse and violence through community partnerships, education and the pursuit of justice. We are turning tears, fears and bruises into a community of hope, healing and justice.
The Children’s Advocacy Center of Bristol County is a program of the 501(c)(3) non-profit agency, Justice Resource Institute (JRI). The CAC was established in 2007 and merged with JRI in 2017. Our organization provides a coordinated response to disclosures and allegations of child sexual abuse, severe physical abuse, commercial sexual exploitation/child trafficking and witness to violence, serving children (ages infant-18) and adults with intellectual disabilities (ages 18+) from any of the 20 towns and cities in Bristol County, MA.

The CAC offers support in three core program areas that advance our mission:
1. Further protecting and advocating for children after a disclosure of abuse by offering investigative forensic interviews, family advocacy and medical exams
2. Helping children and their families heal from trauma through mental health counseling through the Healing & Resiliency Program (HARP)
3. Educating the community about prevention through our Education & Outreach program

Investigations/Family Advocacy:
Following the national, evidence-based Children’s Advocacy Center model, our staff coordinates a multi-disciplinary team that may include law enforcement, Massachusetts Department of Children & Families, Bristol County District Attorney’s office, Massachusetts Pedi-SANE (Dept. of Public Health) program, local service-based agencies and CAC staff. This collaborative, evidence-based model is designed to reduce the stress on child abuse victims and their families. We keep our hands on the back of each case often through court appearances, housing transition, educational crises, etc. to ensure that a child and family are cared for throughout a difficult process. All services provided by the CAC are always free of charge.
Over 9,000 children and families affected by trauma since our founding in 2007.
We see between 700-800 cases annually.
The CAC staff also provides on-site mental health counseling through our Healing and Resiliency Program (HARP) for children and their families.
Education & Outreach:
Our robust Education and Outreach Program is designed to educate youth about protecting themselves, consent, digital and cyber safety. Parents, youth serving agencies, educators and law enforcement are trained in recognizing and reporting abuse and prevention tactics. Examples-Digital Safety, Recognizing and Reporting Abuse, and Trauma-Informed Care​
We are committed to improving the quality of life for children and families in the Southcoast through direct trauma services, education and prevention and other youth oriented programs focused on healing and resilience.
58 Arch Street, Fall River, MA 02724
(508) 674-6111
mgoulart@jri.org, Maria Goulart, Office Manager
Hours of Operation: MWF 9-5, and T&Th 9-7